Imagica House Request Form

If you want a house in Imagica, you can request one in this online form. What I need from you in the following:

- Names on your 2 rooms.
- 2 room descriptions. Describe what your room looks like, you can use a maximum of 4 extra descriptions per room. Don't forget to tell me in which directions your rooms should be connected
- Put a little effort into the room descriptions and room names. We expect you to at least use proper punctuation and capitals where needed. We will not edit your descriptions for you, the way you write it is the way your house will look. (However, a poorly written description may be refused.)

You can also submit your Request by e-mail to: Lunah at



Where do you want your house?
DinoStreet, Teldar
DinoStreet E
DinoStreet C
DinoStreet W
Lindorm Grove, Nivrim
Ivy Lane
Maple Street
Mistletoe Avenue
Pine Road
Saga Forest, Elven Forest (No trolls allowed due to agreement with the Elves.)

How many rooms do you want?
4 (only allowed when the house is owned by a married couple)

Room 1, Name and Description (don't forget your X-tra descriptions):

Room 2, Name and Description (don't forget your X-tra descriptions):

Room 3 and 4, Name and Description (don't forget your X-tra descriptions):

Extra Comments/Questions: